Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What if? - Being Able To See!

When they said that he was the one who is stupid and talks non-sense he could not belive what they were talking about. Why is it so difficult for people to believe what they did not use
to. Being open to new ideas is certainly not something mankind does very easily. Having said that, it is also true that mankind has been surviving through all these years and growing
because of the very fact that it has been thinking and assimilating new ideas. But that i believe is because of some reason like - they being followed only after someone proved those
ideas were safe - or some such thing. Coming back to the de-generalization, it was a wonderful breezy evening at that rather hot and dry place. He finished his lab-assignments and
got out of that very cold room. Usually he would stay there for as long as it remained open, but this particular evening the breeze outside was unusual. And so, there he was at the
terrace of his hostel bulding watching the clear starry sky.

He kept gazing at the shine of a sea-shell he held. He had it since the last winters when he had picked it up from the beach ... he was there with his folks - a lovely time spent. A wavy,
forthy beach - he always longed for it and would later on in his life realize how he always got mystically pulled towards beaches. But as of now all he could think of was his room-
mates. Strange, but somehow he had always been lucky in terms of room-mates. No one lived with him for more than a year. Except for minor diffrences stay with all of them was
quite pleasant! Somehow it always seemed he has been living with the same person, just modified in looks and certain other aspects. They were repeatedly the same good-natured,
humble, soft-spoken, fun-loving but uncharacteristically reserved people. They all wanted to skip physical lonliness in their own ways - he remembered this as he often found them

And they never let the windows open in the night. It was almost ritualistic for them to close all windows of the room before going to sleep. He felt stupid at times about it but then
realized it might just be for safetly. I will not tell you how, but the events somehow made in his mind a path, which led to the conclusion that they all could "feel". That they could see
things he could not. It was sure enough that this feeling scared them. That this gift troubled them. That closing the window was in a way symbolic of shutting down the exterior. While
he stood there thinking everything, he was shocked by a lightening - aparently the breeze was because of approaching clouds and also, he scared easy. The shake let the shell free and it fell off the building.

"I love that thing", he shouted. "No you dont ... if you really loved it, you would have flung" - he reflected!

Song: All I have to do is Dream ...


This is not how I imagined it would be. I saw it again and again and again and will see it many times over. It is very easy to dismiss something that couldnot live upto our expectations -
same as things of utlility as it is with people. But when there is anticipation - a long one at that - it becomes difficult to let go. And it stood very true for my anticipation for that short blue
film! Not many people like this labour of love - absolutely that is. Ridiculous is often the word to describe it. But i am sure once one comes to know the base on which it is created, one
would appreciate. Here is just a bit of what I think is the piece all about.

The idea was to create romance - a simple one at that. Simple in terms of story and not creation. (The creation should be grand - talked about - and should live forever! It should be
nothing less than a legend when people talk about it later.) What can be simpler than the divine romance of Krushna and Radha? A romance that not only has occupied the mythology
of the country but also is "divinised" in this society where usually such a thing between people is frowned upon! Anyways ... there he was ... the one who loved eternally - but doubt
always prevailed. She trusted but some times would doubt. Then she would lose her doubt in trusting more. And this entire process comes into perspective when it is observed and
appreciated by a third person.

He was recognizable from far because of his "saanwlapan" (no one knows if he was tall enough to achieve the TDH definition!) and so there it was ... the pain of love - gained, lost and
regained - all within the form of the lover! The form was blue and hence the blue (no one complained when matrix was green stainted!) And did I say - the studio insisted on an "Indian"
experience? With relative freedom they all sprung into work - the director of sound, music, photography and cinematrography! The story was left on to the writer / director who could
have etched a lot but decided to keep it simple. Beyond this everything is in flesh and blood. Yet again appreciation of the craft supercedes that of the substance.

Song: Woman in Love ...